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                                                                                                            The Salvation Debate



There are differences of opinion within the Christian community in regard to Salvation, and when and how exactly is a person Saved. It is generally accepted that there is nothing that we can do to earn eternal life, but on one side; there are those that believe that a sincere desire to repent of sins and to accept Jesus as Savior, is basically what is required to be Saved; and that such a person's seat in heaven is secure once they profess to be Saved. This God's Simple Plan of Salvation link pretty much sums up what I believe a majority of Christians subscribe to. On the other side, there are opinions that reflect a belief, that many that believe they gave their life to Christ, and profess to be Saved, actually may not be Saved!! To begin investigating the view of this side, for starters, check out some websites on this Am I Saved page.

Many people are like I was, a person that was without a solid opinion one way or another about this most critical topic, and content to be that way. Obviously, this is not good, and people that feel this way need to spend some quiet time with God, examine themselves, check out sermons and other resources.  Searching Tests for if You're Saved can yield a lot of info. Please take the necessary time to properly address this issue within your own mind! 


Along the same lines, the late Dr. Charles Stanley gave a sermon titled, Is Jesus Christ God?, which also discusses how a person may be deceived into thinking their shallow concept of God is good enough to represent Salvation.


As for my opinion, I do believe that if a person decides in their heart to give their life to Christ, then I do believe that person is Saved from that point. Not saying that the person won't fall short of the mark daily, but I believe that the presence of the Holy Spirit in a Believer's life attempts to steer him/her in the right direction, and the individual is at least generally aware of the steering, to the point of often feeling the resistance in their heart when attempting to follow the ways of the world. I also believe, however; that there are people that out of emotion or whatever, professed to give their life to Christ, but in their heart actually didn't do so.  Not that they are necessarily putting on an act, but if they take the time later on to examine themselves as God can give them the opportunity to, they should know themselves that they are basically the same person as before professing to be Saved. 1John 3:8-10 in the Amplified Bible states: 


(8) The one who practices sin [separating himself from God, and offending Him by acts of disobedience, indifference, or rebellion] is of the devil [and takes his inner character and moral values from him, not God]; for the devil has sinned and violated God’s law from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil. (9) No one who is born of God [deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin, because God’s seed [His principle of life, the essence of His righteous character] remains [permanently] in him [who is born again—who is reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, and set apart for His purpose]; and he [who is born again] cannot habitually [live a life characterized by] sin, because he is born of God and longs to please Him. (10) By this the children of God and the children of the devil are clearly identified: anyone who does not practice righteousness [who does not seek God’s will in thought, action, and purpose] is not of God, nor is the one who does not [unselfishly] love his [believing] brother.


This really takes it up a notch, and I believe requires a real and honest self-examination. 1 Corinthians 11:31 says; For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.  I believe it is critical for the Believer to do this on a regular basis.


In regard to looking at others, as Christians we are to "judge not". We are, however; to judge and to discern what is truth. There are those in our society that are role models for many, who are charismatic, appear to be good hearted, etc..., who proudly and loudly promote Christian Principles, yet in the same breath promote the ways of the world by their consistent dialogue and actions. Philippians 3:18-19 states; For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their God is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things.


So, although we are not anyone's ultimate judge, we are to not allow the behavior of others to redirect our perception of what "Truth" is. This doesn't mean that we can't have love for these people, as many like this are in our families. First and foremost, we need to look in the mirror at ourselves, to see if we are counted in that number, thus, bringing us back to 1 Corinthians 11:31. For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.


In order to effectively judge yourself, and to have a qualified opinion of whether or not you are walking in the truth, it follows that you need to allow yourself to be sufficiently familiar with the truth. Reading the Bible regularly, cultivating a good prayer life, and making yourself available to be taught the word of God is a good start.


Having said that, be aware that there are a great many debates concerning the interpretation of scripture. Looking at Revelation 3:5 (NASB) The one who overcomes will be clothed the same way, in white garments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels. 


Some interpret this as to imply that some may have their name erased from the "book of life". Others like this gentleman, explain how when looking at the context and focus of Revelation 3:5, that it has nothing to do with losing salvation, but rather just the opposite, assuring Believers of their security in their salvation! 


This author sums up his view by surmising that since it requires faith to be saved, that losing faith can result in losing salvation. To his credit, he is not just referring to a questioning of God, but an actual changing of mind. The illustration he created, was of a preacher that through hardships was steered toward atheism. Some may find his reasoning compelling, but I prefer listening to and examining the actual testimonies of Believers that backslid into unbelief, ie; atheism. Inevitably, they can be led back to the Lord in some way. Not to mention, who is able to know what an individual who has turned his back on God, experiences in his/her last moments on earth to re-establish belief. Re-establish being the operative word. Only God knows if a person actually gave their life to Him in the first place. 


A person does not have to attend a church and wait for the Altar Call to give their life to Christ. The decision can be made while standing in the concession line at the ballpark, at your home, in your seat reading this, etc... What is required, however; is a sincere commitment, as was explained previously. My suggestion is for all to reflect upon their Salvation as well as their Christian Walk, using Biblical Truths as the standard. 



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