Student - Athlete
I am a South Carolina School Teacher and Running Speed Coach, whose passion is helping students and student-athletes to succeed. Using your computer's mouse to point under "Student" in the "Student - Athlete" title above, and maybe moving the pointer down a bit over the first two sentences, should show you a menu for the pages of this website. On the computer version of this website, the two links that are above the images to the left are links to what I consider to be the most important pages on this website, and you may want to check them out.
The main theme of this website is to support the success of student-athletes of all ages. I dispense a lot of information in my blogs. To read my blogs on this website may require a one-time free registration giving an email and choosing a password. This is an anti-spam measure that Wix chose. Check out the "Student-Athlete Giveaways" blog for free resources and services, ie; free tutoring!! Some other blog titles are:
"Developing Speed in Young Athletes"
"Academics and the Young Student/Athlete"
"Care for the Knees During Sports that Involve Jumping, Pivoting, and Cutting"
For youths, looking ahead, academic achievement is a huge consideration during the college selection process. My suggestion is to establish within the student, a good academic work ethic as early as possible. Academic scholarship money can greatly help make a variety of colleges affordable, as was the case with our son, as his academic scholarship money was significantly more than his athletic scholarship money. This allowed us to combine them and choose a school that was a great fit, since we were able to choose from a variety of choices. In addition, a lack of academic achievement may prevent a student-athlete from being allowed admission to many colleges.
For those competing in sports where speed and/or at least explosiveness is an asset, you may want to check out my TheStartDoctor.com website for my take on how to improve these abilities.
The images under the sprinters, represent my efforts to provide a fun math activity for elementary school students. Check out the Trailer and Website dedicated to the game. The game is free to download from the Google, Apple, and Amazon App Stores.
An objective of the game is to identify where the student needs help, requiring correct answers to be able to advance through the various game levels. Hopefully the student will want to work to improve and then be able to use these skills to be able to more successfully play the game. Generally speaking, after a student's areas of need are identified, there should be a sound method of addressing those needs. The two books beneath the flier below are two awesome books recommended to me by our school's math specialist, and I used them as a basis for my math tutoring. In addition, I secured a discount code "MATHLETE10" for eTutorWorld, a highly rated online Service that offers tutoring for all subjects for all ages. See the flier below!
​​An exciting development is that the game was recently added to Amazon's App Store. Although a mobile game, being in Amazon's App Store allows the game to be downloaded and played on Amazon's Fire TV using the television's remote and/or a game controller. Being in Amazon's Store also allows the game to be played on personal computers using Windows 11! A bottom line is to provide as many appealing options as possible for the students to play the game and practice math skills.
The other images to the left and below are from my Lesson Activity Materials inventory. The Math Facts Football Dual Mini Playing Surface handouts that are shown in this video and below can be a good way to introduce students to Math Facts Sports. It is an ideal compliment to the mobile game for players that may need to pause the game after the equation is presented and use the Number Line and/or Multiplication Table playing surfaces to help come up with the correct answer.
For the larger playing surfaces, students also may add any small soft object to do the activity shown in this video. The downloads for the larger playing surfaces are also available in my Teachers Pay Teachers Store. I have a pretty large inventory of the playing surfaces and game components shown on this page, and I'm deciding how I want to go about distributing/selling them. I may be contacted at fingerskillsports@gmail.com to discuss this.
In addition to the playing surfaces, seen on this page are; "Math Football Cubes, which are 8mm dice covered with labels (shown below and see video), custom dice (red, black, green print) for game play, and small flat objects to be used as the ball for the activities. One patch of labels is to be used to cover the 8mm dice to make the Math Football Cubes as seen in this video. You may also attach the labels to cardboard and cut out individual flat game pieces as seen below, for a lot of additional activities. My Teachers Pay Teachers Store also has free downloads to create the game pieces, as well as other Math Facts Sports Downloads. At the bottom of this page is a pack of foam balls that are ideal for my Math Facts Football, Basketball, and Soccer Lesson Activity Materials. This pack came from a local Hobby Lobby store.
Those that would like to consider an inexpensive "do it yourself" website like this one to share your talents and to communicate your views and/or do business as I'm doing, should visit this Website Information Page. The link in the previous sentence is an affiliate link, meaning that I can get a small payment if you purchase through this link. You can start your own website and also make money like this, referring customers to all kinds of products and services. Check this out if you're interested. FYI - There is even a contact email for the author of the article in the previous sentence!
Causes and Companies to Consider Supporting
Shriners Hospital for Children
